Using Heat Lamps Safely

Heat lamps are a20140301_080851n easy way to raise temperatures inside coops and enclosures, but they must be carefully placed to reduce the risks associate with them.  Heat lamps are easily broken by curious animals, and the bulbs become hot enough to cause a burn if they are touched.  Additionally, if they come in contact with dry bedding, the bulbs and fixtures may be hot enough to cause a fire.  Hang heat lamps well out of reach and away from flammable materials.  Cage the fixture, if possible, to prohibit access and to prevent the lamp from accidentally falling.

Pictured here is a view of a kidding pen from above.  The heat lamp hangs high enough to prevent the goats from damaging it, but low enough to keep the kids warm.

Tips from Cornell University concerning heat lamp safety:

Managing Risk: Using Heat Lamps on the Farm