Author: MicroFarmProject602

How to Protect A Garden & Seedlings from Birds
Birds love seeds and seedlings. Here’s how to protect a garden that has been freshly planted from becoming a snack bar for birds and other pests. Plant seeds twice as deep as the longest edge of the seed. If you plant large seeds shallowly, they may float to the surface […]

How To Dig a Planting Hole
Dig a planting hole the right way to give your transplants a great start. Here is how to dig a proper planting hole: Remove mulch and debris from the area in which you want to plant. Dig a hole that is twice as wide and just as deep as the […]

What Weeds Teach Us About How to Plant a Garden
Is there a connection between where weeds grow and how to plant a garden? Yes! Weeds are nature’s reclamation crew. We see them in sidewalk cracks, abandoned lots, rock landscapes and construction zones. Weeds are the first plants to grow back in areas where vegetation has been removed and were […]

How To Put Your Garden to Bed – Winter Is Coming!
How to Put Your Garden to Bed As winter approaches, it is time to prepare the garden for dormancy. This is true in areas that experience hard frosts or freezes. Here is how to put your garden to bed. First, prune back. Cut back perennial plants. Wait until after the […]

How to Replant a Container Garden
Does your container garden need a little TLC? Here is how to replant a container garden. There are two ways to freshen up your pots. The first is a total refresh. In this case, all of the plants have died or need to be removed. Remove mulch and set aside. […]

Planting Calendar and Warm & Cool Season Vegetables
Planting calendars are essential to successful gardening. A planting calendar is a tool that tells a farmer or gardener the specific dates or window of time that is best for planting various crops. They are one of the most valuable tools in a grower’s toolbox. Here is why. Has this […]

Testimonials for Kari Spencer & City Farming
Success Stories “Kari’s gardening classes taught me everything I needed to know about how to garden…not only the “how” but the “why” of gardening. Now, I have four garden boxes and lots of buckets – a total of 100 square feet of gardening space. My husband and I harvest something […]

Kari Spencer’s Media Appearances
Kari Spencer’s Appearances, Interviews and Media Mentions Phoenix New Times – Kari Spencer of the Micro Farm Project on How to Grow Food in Metro Phoenix Seed Stock- Women in Farming: Kari Spencer on Building an Urban Farm in the Desert Urban Farm Podcast- Kari Spencer on Composting Made Easy The […]

Farm & garden quotes by Kari Spencer that appear in City Farming. In regards to the rise in interest in organic gardening- Urban farms are often fashioned with little regard to natural systems and processes, and then expected to be maintained via organic and natural means. Impossible! In regards to […]

What does the term city farming mean? City farming means growing or raising food in urban areas, right where people live, play and work. With the rise of urban farms and gardens, agriculture is no longer relegated to rural areas. We see this in the growth of home gardens, commercial […]