
Start a Farm Business: Notes from Stone Hoe Gardens
Interview with Tina and Bruce Leadbetter of Stone Hoe Gardens on the history of the farm, how they manage their dairy goats, how to start a farm business, and how farm businesses evolve. (Kari) I’m here with Tina and Bruce of Stone Hoe Gardens in Phoenix, AZ to talk […]

Sell Eggs for Profit from Your Backyard
Sell Eggs from Profit, Right Out of Your Backyard Demand for naturally grown, wholesome foods is rising. Even city-folk are choosing to grow and raise some of what they eat, right in their own backyards. Urban hens are becoming quite popular. Some chicken-keepers choose to offset the cost of raising […]

Farm Tour: Hosting Visitors at Your Urban Farm
Any urban farmer knows that once the word gets out, people will want to see first-hand what you are doing to grow and raise food in the city. The Micro Farm Project welcomes visitors to the farm. We love to share what we do with the public, and host a […]