Growing Native Plant Varieties

When selecting plants for your garden, explore varieties that are native or adapted to your area. These plants have many benefits, one of which is the ability to survive only on natural rainfall, requiring little or no irrigation.

The Micro Farm Project is located in central Arizona, one of the most arid regions of the United States.  A great source of seeds and information concerning edible native plants for the South West is Native Seeds in Tucson.  Pictured above is Hopi Red Dye Amaranth, a native pseudo-grain that we grow for greens, seeds and beauty. Growing between the Amaranth plants are native corn varieties.

Wherever you live, you can find native and adapted plants by searching the internet, consulting your local university extension office or Master Gardeners, or asking for information from your local plant nursery.

Native Plants for Sustainable Landscapes, University of Minnesota Extension

Benefits of Using Native Plants, Native Plant Society of Texas -Houston